How can I convert an .rtf or .doc document to LaTeX? [closed]Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. Learn more. Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow. Unfortunately, I can't use rtf2latex2e because it says that DropUNIX "no longer supports the classic environment". I barely know what I'm doing otherwise, besides dropping my .rtf file onto the DropUNIX program. What else can I use? I don't mind which type of file it is I'm converting to LaTeX (.doc would also be OK, as long as it keeps my formatting). I am using Mac OS 10.5.8. 4 Answers 4. See the fmtconv question on the UK TeX FAQ, or, more specifically, the page on Converters from PC Textprocessors to LaTeX - Overview, which is specifically about this question and has many many examples. This general list of word-processor filters may help too. UnRTF claims to be able to convert RTF to LaTeX as well as other formats (e.g. HTML). It claims to support HTML best, so perhaps RTF->HTML->LaTeX (e.g. with html2latex) might work better. I haven't actually tried any of this though. Make your rtf/doc document into docx, and convert it using docx2tex. |